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KIWIE 2024

General Outline

Korea International Women’s Invention Exposition 2024 (KIWIE 2024)

Date : June 20 (Thu) – 22 (Sat), 2024

Venue : Hall 3, Exhibition Center 1, KINTEX


  • 01

    Increasing the interest in invention activities by women and strengthening the foundation for women invention

  • 02

    Facilitating the exchange of women inventors at home and abroad and establishing their global network

  • 03

    Evaluating patent technologies and inventions developed by women home and abroad and awarding

  • 04

    Promoting outstanding inventions developed by women and their distribution

Management Plan

Hosted by · Organized by

  • 특허청
  • 한국여성발명협회

Supported by

  • WIPO
  • 국제발명가협회연맹
  • 과학기술정보통신부
  • 농림축산식품부
  • 산업통상자원부
  • 여성가족부
  • 중소벤처기업부
  • 서울특별시

Participation Scale

Exhibition Competition
Korea International Women’s Invention Exhibition (For 2023, 113 companies participated) Korea International Women’s Invention Competition (For 2023, 354 inventions from 19 countries)

Main Schedule

DATE June 20 (Thu) June 21 (Fri) June 22 (Sat)
Official Event Opening Ceremony IP Education Awards Ceremony
Welcome Dinner